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Slice of Life


How did you decide between art school and a university’s art/design program?


Graphic Designer/Illustrator

Las Vegas


The most important part of school is education as well as community. I graduated from FIT in NYC and I left behind a full-time scholarship at a university in my hometown. I don’t regret it because the people I met, learned from and collaborated with were like-minded and motivated to dive deep into their art and be true. I felt it equipped me as much as the skills I learned. You can find these people at any school, but you may have to do some research into that institution’s culture and social connections beyond just the courses provided.

April 26, 2023


Did you have to know how to use software to get accepted into design school?


Graphic Designer/Illustrator

Las Vegas


Depending on the portfolio application, you might need to know some tools to help execute your ideas. Get creative and find free programs or web-based programs, or even traditional tools like paint, color pencil, etc. They do not expect you to be an expert. That’s what school is for. All schools want to see is how you think and your unique creative perspective on the world and that you kinda know how to make it real.

April 26, 2023


Multidisciplinary Designer


It’s useful to know how to use some software, but definitely not a requirement. Most of my student portfolio that I submitted as part of my college application to Parsons was hand-drawn with pencil on paper. It was only one piece that I combined with Photoshop. Depending on what school you’re applying for, the reviewers are usually looking at two things. 1) Creative, conceptual, and critical thinking. And 2) technical skills.

April 26, 2023

How did you decide between art school and a university’s art/design program?


Graphic Designer/Illustrator

Las Vegas


The most important part of school is education as well as community. I graduated from FIT in NYC and I left behind a full-time scholarship at a university in my hometown. I don’t regret it because the people I met, learned from and collaborated with were like-minded and motivated to dive deep into their art and be true. I felt it equipped me as much as the skills I learned. You can find these people at any school, but you may have to do some research into that institution’s culture and social connections beyond just the courses provided.

April 26, 2023

Did you have to know how to use software to get accepted into design school?


Graphic Designer/Illustrator

Las Vegas


Depending on the portfolio application, you might need to know some tools to help execute your ideas. Get creative and find free programs or web-based programs, or even traditional tools like paint, color pencil, etc. They do not expect you to be an expert. That’s what school is for. All schools want to see is how you think and your unique creative perspective on the world and that you kinda know how to make it real.

April 26, 2023


Multidisciplinary Designer


It’s useful to know how to use some software, but definitely not a requirement. Most of my student portfolio that I submitted as part of my college application to Parsons was hand-drawn with pencil on paper. It was only one piece that I combined with Photoshop. Depending on what school you’re applying for, the reviewers are usually looking at two things. 1) Creative, conceptual, and critical thinking. And 2) technical skills.

April 26, 2023


UX Designer


It’s useful to know how to use some software, but definitely not a requirement. Most of my student portfolio that I submitted as part of my college application to Parsons was hand-drawn with pencil on paper. It was only one piece that I combined with Photoshop. Depending on what school you’re applying for, the reviewers are usually looking at two things. 1) Creative, conceptual, and critical thinking. And 2) technical skills.

April 26, 2023

How do you negotiate salary?


UX Designer



I know talking about money feels awkward and scary. But you’ll get used to it as time passes! It’s always important that you research and know what the average salary of your field is, taking the years of experience into account. That way when you talk with the HR and they ask you about your salary expectations, you know what to ask for. You don’t always have to say the number first either - that’s totally up to you. You can wait until they give you a number and go from there.

April 26, 2023

Can you make a lot of money?


Graphic Designer/Illustrator

Las Vegas


Yes! There are many ways to make a design job a career. You can work full-time in a creative agency or design studio, work freelance, build clientele and get paid project by project, or sell work online that can be licensed by companies or purchased directly by people. The opportunities change everyday and are not always immediate but remember that in order for people to value your work, you must also value it and that requires some figuring out and soul-searching.

April 26, 2023

Is it hard to make a lot of money?


Graphic Designer/Illustrator

Las Vegas


Because design is mostly web-based, there are many ways to structure your working day which relates to how you get paid! Taking a full-time position is the most common, and most higher paying design jobs are based in cities because of competition. With more remote work, though, there’s more flexibility about location! Some designers are freelancers and charge a specific hourly or project rate, and work as much or as little as they want. They just have to find clients themselves.

April 26, 2023

What are mentors and why are they important?


Graphic Designer/Illustrator

Las Vegas


Mentors are trusted people who usually have more experience in a related career as I am. I lean on them to be blunt, empowering and transparent about everything from finances to how to handle contracts. There are official ways to get mentorship (internships/mentorship programs) but sometimes it’s informal and they’re just someone you might have worked with once or met at a random event. If they are willing to offer their knowledge, make sure to respect and maintain the relationship! Mentors have been so important for me because they’ve made me feel confident in my career and project choices with a lot less scrambling around.

April 26, 2023

What if you don’t like where you work anymore?


Graphic Designer/Illustrator

Las Vegas


Start with asking yourself the specifics. Do I not like the projects? The hours? The people? The possibility for promotion? The commute? There are many reasons, and pinpointing the problem will give you a more specific answer. The answer may not need to be drastic like quitting the job, maybe it’s talking to your manager, meeting more people within your agency, setting boundaries, etc.

April 26, 2023

What if I don’t know what to do long-term?


Graphic Designer/Illustrator

Las Vegas


First of all, many of my peers, including me, don’t truly know what we want to do long-term either. I’m guided by answering: What work excites me the most? What do I want to learn? What feels closest to serving myself and others in a regenerative and fulfilling way? In my experience, I never answer these questions fully, but that’s okay! (Reminder: work should not outrank your personal life goals like health and cultivating meaningful connections).

April 26, 2023

How do you decide where to work?


Graphic Designer/Illustrator

Las Vegas


My list of requirements changes every time and it depends on my needs. In general, I look at: work culture, mission of the projects they choose, salary and benefits, Glassdoor reviews and if I have the luxury of time, sit on it and get input from my peers if they think it’s a fit for me, too.

April 26, 2023

Where do you look for inspiration?



Graphic Designer/Illustrator

Las Vegas


(Side note: When looking for inspiration, I make sure I’m even open to it coming in. If I’m not, I'll go get some sleep or watch TV.) Some things I do in the digital space are: interact with cool new digital design in Muzli, go deep in Pinterest, make Saved collections on Instagram, watch music videos on YouTube, look at album art on Spotify. In the physical space, I love looking at architecture, taking pictures of old packaging/signs/posters, and finding new shapes and color schemes from nature. In terms of concepts, I write down my thoughts a lot, even if it’s a half thought. It will likely grow and develop if my heart really resonates with it.

April 26, 2023

How do you deal with artist block?



Graphic Designer/Illustrator

Las Vegas


Better easier said than done, but the best thing is to step away from the work you’re trying to force out. Sleep, too. Your brain does magic in the background when you’re doing something that feeds your soul (or belly). My fave activities are eating a good meal with friends, going into nature and reading a book. An idea will ALWAYS come.

April 26, 2023

What keeps you inspired?



Graphic Designer/Illustrator

Las Vegas


It’s different for everybody, but what counts as creative inspiration to me are things that make me super happy and excited. Right now, it’s comic books, concerts and eating at new places. They may seem irrelevant but they fill up your soul, and that’s where I find is the best place to create from.

April 26, 2023

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